The Magi bring their gifts and worship the new King. Epiphany means 'Manifestation.' During the church year, this is the day we celebrate Christ being revealed to the gentiles - to all the nations. The celebration of Epiphany is to celebrate God being given to the entire world. In my house, we celebrate the revealing of Christ as the sharing of gifts. It is the final celebration of the Christ child as gift for the whole world. In God's kingdom, relationships - between nations, within families, among people, between God and humanity are healed. The epiphany for us is that God gathers God's people from diverse places, different backgrounds, differing economics, genders, social status, age groups etc....God gathers us and reconciles us as one body! That is the great epiphany - we are one in Christ. And like the Magi of old, we lay down rare gifts not for practical use but as an act of worship that Jesus is the greatest gift to all the nations. Blessed Epiphany!