Observation: Faith is.....Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. In what might be labeled as the 'book of faith chapter.' The preacher in Hebrews connects the life of faith and its many examples.
Application: I am a risk taker by nature. Taking the leap of faith comes easily (mostly) to me. That leap of faith is often seeing what cannot be seen. Noah was given instruction for the ark when it wasn't raining, taking the leap of faith he built it. There is great trust in that. Trust and faith are intertwined in an intimate way that they reassure us of the promises of God. Having faith is a risk taking adventure that God is in control more than we are....that can also be scary.
While on vacation this past few weeks I really enjoyed the not having to plan out everything and just allowed that time to be present with God and with my family. I trusted that there was no real emergency I needed to be called for, any meeting I needed to attend, and every issue was taken care of. I had faith to see that this time of abiding was an opportunity to trust God and to be intentional about that time away.
The bigger risks like endeavoring into a sanctuary renovation, having hard conversations with people concerning their faith practices, people coming into a relationship with God for the first time, or finding a new faith family to practice their discipleship....those are the times when I need to hear this definition of faith. I cannot always see what God has in mind. That takes faith...and trust.
Prayer: Lord open my eyes to your works that I might trust you when I have trouble seeing.