Observation: The Shema, as this scripture is referred to, lays down the instruction for life with God. Hear Oh Israel the Lord your God is one. You should love the Lord you God with all your heart, soul, and might! You should bind these commands on your hands as a sign.
Application: I have a tattoo. I often call it my second tattoo. The first tattoo happened in my baptism....recalling the words from the Shema. In the rite of Baptism we announce after the act of baptizing in water with the Word these words "D. Andrew Fetters, you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the Cross of Christ forever. The Shema commanded us to write these instructions from God on our doorposts and hands as a reminder. Tattoos can serve the same purpose. Mine does.
Prayer: Lord keep these commands and your promises before us, that we are marked as your disciples to live into the life you offer us through your son, Jesus Christ.