The thing that stands out to me in this reading is that the genealogy of Jesus makes certain that all who hear it understand that all the preparations of the past are now complete....the messiah is here and his name is Jesus. Think about that for one moment, from Abraham to David, David to the exiles, and now in a small town comes the Savior of the world. The anticipation of this event of Jesus birth has been foretold and waited upon for generations and now God takes on flesh and blood to be with us.
In reverse, our lives can feel like all of the things we have been preparing for in the past never come to fruition. Yet Matthew does not provide a revisionist history, he doesn't gloss over the lowest points of Israel's history, or make greater mention of the highest. God works out God's purpose with power and timing, through the highs and the lows.
Yes genealogies are boring, but in the background of all that is being prepared is now being made complete. The time of anticipation is no longer lingering, it is here. Jesus, the messiah has come to be among us.
Lord from your family tree we find our identity, made perfect in the coming of your beloved son.