S (Scripture): Leviticus 23:22
22 “When you harvest the crops of your land, do not harvest the grain along the edges of your fields, and do not pick up what the harvesters drop. Leave it for the poor and the foreigners living among you. I am the Lord your God.”
O (observation): The Lord makes provisions for the harvesters, the planters, and those who have nothing. Jesus uses this very scripture to permit his disciples to pick wheat on the Sabbath day (the first drive through) as they were going from town to town.
A (Application): This scripture is a reminder of God's provision. God provides for all, for the landowner, for the harvester, for those who are without. Making a 'provision' for the poor and foreigners among you. Interesting scripture as it pertains to what it is that we are supposed to do with the stuff that we think is 'ours.' The phrase; "I am the Lord your God," is a reminder as it is usually when it is used, that God is in charge, not us. That is the thing about God's provision, God is the one providing. the boundary God establishes here is for the benefit for the whole community, including the disciples as they eat from the edges of the field going from town to town.
P (Prayer): Lord, you are the provider of our lives. Thank you!