Not knowing what I was going to do with my life at the age of 17, I fiddled with the idea of joining the military instead of going to college. The guidance counselor at my high school served in the Marine Corps as well did my principal. At the mention of this he chuckled, not because I wasn't fit for duty but because my lack of commitment was apparent. My friend confirmed for me what i had long already known, I would not have lasted one day. I had too much rebellion in me at the time.
The Marine Corps slogan is Semper Fidelis....Always faithful. It represents a solemn oath. It reflects a deep level of commitment. If fact, the Marine Corps had a campaign a few years ago that simply stated: "We don't take applications, we only take commitments." There is something to that in regards to our life with God. In response to God's faithfulness (God is always faithful) we looked at our life with God in the same way, with the same level of commitment...semper fidelis. As we honor our veterans this weekend, be thankful for their service and commitment and take time to reflect on how God is always faithful to us to the very end. How might our commitment reflect the life that has been given and purchased by God sending God's own Son to conquer what we cannot...sin, death, and the grave. Not one of us could win that fight but we give thanks to the one that gave His life so that we could be free from the one who attacks us everyday - the evil one, the bad guy, Satan.
So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free- Galatians 5:1
-Praying attention Pastor Andy