S (Scripture): Exodus 34:8-9
Moses immediately threw himself to the ground and worshiped. And he said, “O Lord, if it is true that I have found favor with you, then please travel with us. Yes, this is a stubborn and rebellious people, but please forgive our iniquity and our sins. Claim us as your own special possession.”
O (Observation): God's leader Moses throws himself in an aspect of worship in response to God's presence. The petition to travel with God's people is a need to have God's presence as a continual reminder that God will always be present, through thick and thin. Being claimed is a covenant promise that even as these are a rebellious people they are set aside to represent God on earth. Later revealed as a Baptismal promise through Christ.
A (Application): Even though God promises to set aside God's people as a special treasure, there is that whole thing about being a rebellious and stubborn people. The covenant promise is never relinquished by God because God continues to show God's covenant promise of who God is and who God has claimed us as God's people. This is a matter of identity and obedience.
I remember being a rebellious and stubborn person....well rather, that was yesterday. I am willing to admit that I still am. the thing about recognizing God's promise to be present has little to do with our ability to follow through with being a people set aside but more about throwing ourselves down and worshiping the God who loves us. The Apostle Paul would go on to say "and when I think of all of this (God's unfailing love) I fall down on my knees and pray to the Father in Heaven" (Ephesians 3:!4).
Recently, I find myself falling down, on my knees in due respect to How God deals with me as a stubborn and rebellious person. And we get a glimpse of that Grace offered in the season of Lent that God is much more persistent in showing us love than we are as a rebelling against God.
P (Prayer): Lord, bend my knees that I may humble myself in respect and fear of your love.