Our restaurant had a high turnover rate for employees, especially servers. The statistic used to be that 17% was a model of good turnover. We ranked around 28-35% turnover ratio. As I began to train servers, I knew who would make it and who wouldn't almost to a science. I think I still have that gift. Servers are really good at what they do when they posses a few good traits; humor, common sense, rapport with the customer and a servant attitude.
The difficulty is that you can train people how to do a job like serving food but the good ones are instilled with these traits as part of who they are. The problem our management team always wrestled with was hanging a help wanted sign. It either made us recognize the 28-35% turnover or it invited people to ask about working there.
Jesus invites his disciples into this type of relationship....showing them exactly what it means to be a servant of all (John 13 Jesus wears an apron and washes his disciples feet). Jesus hangs the help wanted sign for those to follow him and have a servant's heart. As disciples of Jesus we are called to wear aprons not bibs. Happy National Servers day (late)...if your praying attention! - Pastor Andy